Thursday 28 August 2014

Offical Release of In Lost Arms EP

It's been more than 4 months since I started working on this mere 7-track EP. I tried to make it a little bit more experimental and unique than the past compilations I've done ( Tyro, Nostalgia. EP, Kourtney EP and Inner Child). So I am super glad that I have come this far to give you such wonderful music, or "Mellow Jelly-Bean Sounds For Virgin Ears" as I call it! Here's what some of you have been waiting for... In Lost Arms EP.

Isolating Solitude Cover

You can download Isolating Solitude For Free!

Kenshin Cover

You can download Kenshin for free!

Covet Cover

You can download Covet for free!

Thursday 21 August 2014

Persian Horseman // Whirls

I was in my Graphic Development class yesterday, and I was required to colour in this illusration. I chose to call it The Persian Horseman... Just a cool name I thought of. Here it is:
I also thought of slicing in one of my favourite song that I made I while ago, called Whirls. I don't know why, but I just have this surreal connection with it. The album art also has a similar feel to the illustration above, maybe that's why the thought of placing it in the same post as my artwork came though, but there you go. Whirls.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Finding Goood Arms

I finished compiling and setting attributes to my upcoming EP, In lost Arms. I chose to release it next week Wednesday, for free of course, on Soundcloud, as well as on my blog. The official tracklist was put up on Facebook. For those who didn't see it, here it is:
1. Kenshin
2. Turn
3. Isolating Solitude
4.Cryptid Lovers
5.BANKS - Bedroom Wall (Tyro, Nostalgia. Remix)
6. Covet
7. Finding Goood Arms

I recently uploaded Finding Goood Arms on Soundcloud for free, so you can get yourself a copy - Oooooohh, and here's the album cover for the song, hope you like it!

Tuesday 5 August 2014

In Lost Arms EP

The main feel behind the compilation is the accentuated melancholy synths and  trappy, chillwave drums. It's purpose is to bring about nostalgia in a surreal way. I recently uploaded 2 singles grom my upcoming EP, In Lost Arms: Turn as well as a remix I did a few minutes ago titled Bedroom Wall Remix by BANKS. I do hope you enjoy it as much as I did. - Oh, here's the cover to the EP, as well as the Bedrrom Wall Remix single.